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How Toxins Harm Your Body's Energy Field

Being aware that your body is a biological expression of energy is essential for understanding how toxins can harm your body's energy fields. Your body has many different energy fields. To be more specific, these energy fields have magnetic and electrical properties. The proper term for these types of energy fields is electromagnetic fields. Your body does an amazing job of generating countless electromagnetic fields. Many of these electromagnetic fields are small and hard to detect. The ones that are easy to detect are the heart’s electromagnetic field and the aura surrounding your body. 

When your body is healthy, it often produces energy fields that flow properly and are mostly free of toxicity. However, when your body is saturated with artificial foods and environmental toxins such as heavy metals, sodium fluoride, refined sugar and pesticides, these toxins can disrupt electromagnetic communication in your body. This disruption causes abnormal responses which can also interfere with the communication process between cells, because they act like electrical static in your body.

The longer artificial foods and environmental toxins stay in your body, the more abnormal electromagnetic resonances they will cause. Over time, they will cause harmful biochemical changes in your body, leading to serious medical conditions. Besides causing abnormal electromagnetic resonances, food and environmental toxins can also lower the numbers of electrons in your body. When inside your body, food and environmental toxins often act like free radicals.

Free radicals are basically molecules that are missing certain electrons. This feature makes free radicals very destructive to the molecules of your body, because when inside your body, these free radicals like to steal electrons from the molecules of your tissues and DNA. It is considered normal to have a certain quantity of free radicals in your body. However, when there are too many of them in your body, they can get out of control, causing molecular chain reactions that can damage your DNA and cells.

If you don’t take actions to reduce the amount of artificial foods and environmental toxins in your body, in the long run, the negative energy and information that these toxins release into your energy fields will pollute them so much that your energy fields won’t be able to function properly. Your energy fields play an important role in your health, because they are some of the major systems of your energy body that act like a communication network, allowing your mind, body, and cells to communicate and work more in unison. Your energy fields also contain information that is important for your evolution and survival. 

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