Biomagnetic Therapy

What is Biomagnetic Therapy?

Biomagnetic Therapy is a safe modality that balances the pH of specific points in the body with the help of biomagnets. Discovered in 1988 by Mexican physician Dr. Isaac Goiz, this procedure represents a “quantum leap” forward in what was known about the use of magnets and their relationship to the level of acidity within the body. Here are a few details about its importance:

  • What factors contribute to pH imbalance?

    There are many causes for magnetic imbalance: emotional trauma, infectious disease or just eating the wrong foods.

  • What issues can these imbalances create?

    These imbalances create pH polarities in localized zones; over-acidity in one area and excess alkalinity in another. 

  • Are there any medical contraindications?

    This can be used with other kinds of allopathic treatments, except for patients who have undergone chemotherapy.

Why is your pH balance so important to good health?

So, what’s the big deal about having correct pH balance in the body? In order for us to live well and be healthy, we require two critical things to happen:

  • Our bodies must maintain a temperature of approximately 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit.

  • Our bodies must maintain a pH balance of 7.4, which is just slightly on the alkaline side.

Just like a swimming pool requires a balanced pH to ward off algae (alkaline) while not irritating skin and eyes (acidic), the body’s pH level must be balanced in order to maintain health. Biomagnetic Pair Therapy is a different modality from traditional magnetic therapy and magnetic acupuncture. Unlike those modalities, Biomagnetic Pair Therapy uses a pair of magnets to depolarize areas within the body which are unbalanced due to pathogens or other factors that resonate energetically. The goal is to balance the organism’s pH level – which is a determining factor for good health.

Benefits of Biomagnetic Therapy

Years of clinical experience has demonstrated that Biomagnetic Therapy can be successfully utilized to help work to achieve numerous great healing benefits which include:

  • Neutralizing pH imbalances and creating an environment that is inhospitable to any pathogens and toxins.

  • Has no negative side effects and may be used in conjunction with conventional and alternative treatments

  • It targets the "root" cause of the disease rather than focusing upon the symptomatic effect which it produces.

Your Bundle Includes

  • Identify Pairs

    We will identify your imbalances and place biomagnets of opposite polarities on specific points in order to help balance their pH levels.

  • biomagnetic therapy

    Correct Imbalances

    We will leave the magnets in place for about 20 minutes to reestablish proper magnetic polarity and check to see if the imbalances are gone.

  • biomagnetic therapy

    Restore Balance

    Once any underlying imbalances have been successfully cleared, it is much easier for your body to clear up any issues that may remain.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Energy Healing is a holistic practice to help balance, heal and remove blockages from the body.

  • The average online healing session will last up to 60 or 90 minutes depending upon the modality being used.

  • You can expect to feel a noticeable difference within a few days, but to get lasting results will require a period of time.

  • After your payment is processed, you will get an email follow-up to schedule your session and fill out our client form.

  • Energy Healing will work the exact same way whether it's performed in-person or online at a distance.

Pricing Options

  • credit card



    - 3 Healing Sessions

    - In-Person (90 Minutes)

    - 24/7 Email Support

  • credit card



    - 1 Healing Session

    - In-Person (90 Minutes)

    - 24/7 Email Support