Science of Life Webinar
The "post-covid" effect has brought to the forefront the need to address mental health. There will always be challenges that can potentially hold you back, but it's how you choose to respond that will determine the effect they have upon your life. Building your mental strength will help you develop the {resilience} to overcome any difficulties. Studies show that mentally strong people overcome setbacks with confidence, because prevailing against adversity will only make them stronger. This requires fierce determination and tenacity to reach your greatest potential. With that in mind, we invite you to watch this live webcast "How to Activate The Power of Your Mental Health". You will discover powerful ancient insights to help catapult you into higher levels of resilience during these challenging times.
Webinar Instructors
Dahniel Caldwell
Khayah Reiki Teacher
Binahtiyah Caldwell
Khayah Reiki Techer
Gassho Meditation
Register online today for our new beginner's meditation Zoom workshop and experience self-healing practices. Next Workshop: Sunday February 2, 2025 @ 11am EST
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