Four Elements

Introduction to the Science of Life

All living things are an expression of the Source Energy of Life and Mother Nature. They provide us with the essential resources needed to experience life. The more energy we receive, the more inherent power will can express. Things such as fresh air, pure water, natural foods, bright sunlight and organic soil enhance our energy capacity. However, there are un-natural foods, artificial light, toxic behaviors and degenerate lifestyle habits that reduce your energy capacity. 

Energy Healing works on the premise that if your body is not well, your energy level must be restored to create proper flow and balance. The concept of healing means "to make whole". Becoming whole is the process of establishing a direct connection between the {4} elements of nature (earth, water, fire, air) and the body (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual). This will help the 12 systems of your body to function efficiently in restoring health and sustaining life.


Human beings are more than just their physical body. The study of quantum physics informs us that energy and matter are interchangeable and, at the basic level, everything that exists is a vibration of energy within the quantum field. Since we're aware that matter is an expression of this field of energy, any change of the frequency waves within a quantum field will have a measurable result in physical reality. If there are types of imbalances located within our energetic field, it can lead to the formation of disease in the body.  

The physical body also consists of its biological functions, five senses, organ activity and spatial awareness. The physical body is the vehicle for the soul to experience itself and have interaction with the natural environment. It provides stability and materialization of consciousness as a result of the body's grounding connection with the earth element. With this in mind, it is important to restore health at every level of within the body, in order to be in harmony with the perpetual cycles, seasons and set times established by Mother Nature.


Your emotional state has a direct correspondence with the water element. Emotions are vibrations which are constantly emitting waves out into the universe and nature. Since we are electromagnetic beings, we can attract experiences that are in synchronicity with whatever kind of vibration we are emitting. Your heart is one of the most powerful organs in the body. It can transmit up to 5000 times more electromagnetic energy than your brain and its electromagnetic field can extend up to 12 feet in diameter around your entire body.

The heart is now recognized as an advanced system with its own neurological function and brain. Every choice we make has a ripple effect (like water) that extends far beyond just us. Learning how to balance our emotions can have a positive influence on our experiences with self and others. Being too emotional has been viewed as a weakness by society. However, it's important to recognize that our emotions (like water) are strong and powerful. Therefore, we only need to learn how to govern our feelings with control and balance.


The human brain is the center of activity for the nervous system. Electrical signals throughout the body are received, processed, and acted upon with appropriate responses. As the "control center" for sensory and motor activities, the brain controls thinking, memory and emotional output, as well as all auditory and visual associations. Also, it is known our brain operates in two hemispheres, the conscious and the subconscious. This has a correspondence with the day (Sun) and night (Moon) cycle of the circadian rhythm every 24 hours. 

Our subconscious mind handles biological functions 90% of the time, while the conscious mind only operates 10% of our awareness throughout the day. The subconscious mind is constantly running old programs based on karmic patterns, social conditioning, family behaviors and the inner child. We need an effective way to balance the mind to bring about internal calmness and a more peaceful state of being. Also, having mental balance aids in helping you to better handle everyday life and improve your cognitive performance.


Have you ever wondered, "what is keeping my body alive"? Many people think when you say spirituality, that you mean religion. Your aura is comprised of a series of energetic fields which extend outward surrounding your body. Many ancient cultures have known of the existence of an invisible substance which surrounds your body and have explored its many uses in everyday life. Modern science has finally matured to the point where they can begin to understand the great importance and significance of the Source Energy of life.

This energy field surrounding the body is known in various cultural traditions as the aura, meaning 'breath of air'. The aura contains invisible energies that are connected with the source energy moving through your body. This subtle energy field consists of several layers which permeate your body, filling it with immense light and vitality. This universal life force energy is something that you can experience in your daily life. And it is important to recognize how to cleanse and strengthen the aura to help improve health and well-being. 


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