How To Feel More Fulfilled In Your Life

We all have moments in our lives when we feel unfulfilled. It may be because of lack of motivation, not knowing what we really want, or not having enough time to focus on personal development. But is it possible to find inspiration again and live a more fulfilled life?

Here are some simple questions to ask yourself that can help you to start feeling more fulfilled in your life:

What are your core values?

How important is your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual health? How satisfied are you with your current situation in life? Is there something you feel you want to do but have been afraid to do it? Do you think you’ll be judged as being selfish or feel ashamed of yourself if you pursued this direction?

Just as you recognize special people or things in your life you love as being different from others, that feeling of “rightness” helps you know what is most valuable to you. The same way your “gut” feelings inform you about certain decisions, people or things, this same inner guidance system can help you know the direction that is best for you. The catch is to recognize and act upon it when it “speaks” amidst all the distractions of life.

Are you settled into a routine of habit or circumstance where you are heading nowhere? Are you feeling stuck and trapped? We can feel stuck in all kinds of ways which block the flow of energy within you. We can feel stuck in a relationship, job, role, foods we eat and daily routines etc. The feeling of being stuck is an energetic signal that you’re not doing things that matter to you. 

What can you do to change these feelings?

It’s time to re-evaluate what it is you are doing. You could start with your community and volunteer your time. Perhaps it’s more of a creative energy you seek; maybe learn to play piano, guitar, sing, write songs or poetry? Take the time to explore what resonates within you and don’t worry about how you can make it happen. Just simply begin to focus on discovering what your core values are and work to become in alignment with them.

What happens if you steer away from valued directions to avoid pain?

You may experience cognitive dissonance, emotional trauma and various physiological consequences. The result is usually a different kind of pain. You may feel trapped emotions such as guilt, shame, discontent and despair. Instead of heart-felt effort, it turns into a deep struggle and you experience the loss of meaning. This causes internal conflict because you’re not living life the way you desire.

Avoiding a valued path creates a deeper pain, a pain of the worst kind that threatens the core of who you are. It creates the feeling that something is wrong with you, your life, your choices and your relationships. This can lead to dark regrets and a sense of having failed in the things that are most important. The only way out of this pain is to identify your core values and then act upon them.

Living intentionally means acting and accepting the costs it takes to create a life with meaning. Your “will-power” is intention changing into action. Your ‘will-power’ turns your wanting something into doing something. Willingness is all of that, plus the conscious awareness of the costs. Doing something requires effort, risk and pushing past your comfort zone. Without willingness to take action, your motivation will be overwhelmed, causing you to give up too soon.

Anything worthwhile involves taking a series of steps. Life is unfolding by many paths which add up to a life more fulfilled or not. If you're fortunate enough to live to a ripe old age, when you look back on your life and reflect, will you say to yourself, “Is that all there is?” or will you smile and think, “What a wonderful life!” Your destiny will depend on what you choose to do now. The choice is up to you. Choose wisely to do something that makes your life matter.  

What is the solution to get back on track?

Since this is easier said than done, we offer Emotion Code sessions to help you identify and clear any trapped emotions which are blocking you from experiencing your best life. This powerful energy healing modality has helped people worldwide to exceed their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual limitations.

Click the link below to discover Emotion Code therapy:


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